Teens, don't be an Arctic Puffin, come win an Elf button! We'll be playing Elf bingo while we watch the movie and munch on some popcorn.
Compete as a team in this Amazing Race-style event, completing challenges to help Santa save the holidays! Prizes awarded to the team members finishing first! Dinner and drinks provided!
Food Allergies
We cannot guarantee that food served at this program has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Residency Registration Limit
Registration is open to Altoona and rural Polk County residents 4 weeks before the event. Registration will be open to the general public 3 weeks before the event. Registration for non-residents that is marked "yes" for residency will be canceled and moved to the pending waitlist if space is available. You may receive two emails, one for the cancelation and one for the pending waitlist. Your registration will automatically move to confirmed on the correct date if seats are available.