Program Type:
Guest SpeakerProgram Description
Event Details
Human trafficking is increasingly a hot topic. Media and Hollywood have elevated attention with movies like Taken and Trafficked. But equally so, there has been a steady rise in misinformation and misunderstanding of the issue. Anti-human trafficking expert and advocate MacKenzie Bills will debunk these myths and dive deep into what human trafficking really is and what it looks like for Iowa and Iowans. Come learn how you as an average citizen can spot it and help combat human trafficking in your every day life.
MacKenzie Bills is an anti-human trafficking advocate and expert. MacKenzie contracts for the U.S. State Department in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons as a policy analyst and outreach specialist. She has covered East and Central Africa and Central Asia. Her expertise is labor trafficking and the portray of human trafficking in media and literature. MacKenzie serves on Iowa's Network Against Human Trafficking Board and serves as on the Legislative Advocacy committee.
Residency Registration Limit
Registration is open to Altoona and rural Polk County residents 4 weeks before the event. Registration will be open to the general public 3 weeks before the event. Registration for non-residents that is marked "yes" for residency will be canceled and moved to the pending waitlist if space is available. You may receive two emails, one for the cancelation and one for the pending waitlist. Your registration will automatically move to confirmed on the correct date if seats are available.